
Mission Fig, Goat Cheese, and Prosciutto Crostini w/ Mānuka Honey

It’s fig season again, so I decided to harvest some fresh figs from the yard! Can’t go wrong with the classic combo of sweet black mission figs, salty prosciutto, and tangy goat cheese! I decided to add some peppery arugula for flavor contrast & color and topped it with some raw mānuka honey (although tbh the figs were already sweet enough!). There’s about one more month before the fleeting fig season is over, so get them while they’re still here! Figs are naturally rich in potassium & calcium and are a great source of Vit A and E!


Basic Recipe:

  1. Slice 1 baguette into ½” diagonal slices, brush with a little olive oil, season w/ salt and pepper and heat in the oven for 10-15 minutes at 350°F. Let cool.

  2. Spread goat cheese onto each slice.

  3. Layer on prosciutto and arugula.

  4. Cut figs into cross-sections or thin slices and layer on top.

  5. Drizzle your favorite honey over the top and enjoy immediately!

Vanilla Chia Seed Pudding with Fresh Fruits

Vanilla Chia Seed Pudding with fresh fruits and organic honey - a delicious way to get in your daily fiber and omega-3 fat needs!


  1. In a bowl or mason jar, combine together 2 cups organic almond milk (unsweetened), 1/2 tsp vanilla extract, 1/4 tsp cinnamon powder, and 1/2 cup chia seeds (black).

  2. Cover with lid or plastic wrap and set 1-2 hours in fridge (or overnight).

  3. When ready to eat, top with 1/2 tbsp of your favorite organic honey (orange blossom, wildflower, etc.) and sliced & whole fruit (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries).
